Lovely Home Accents

Home Improvement Guest Blog

Year: 2019

builders building-design home-builders Home-Exterior

6 Mistakes to Evade When Hiring a New Home Builder

Building a new home will certainly involve a lot of major expenses and a substantial budget. This why you should make sure to pick the right builder for the job to avoid stress and budget blowouts throughout the project. With …

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architect building-design copper-cladding Home-Improvement

Everything You Need to Know About Copper Cladding

Copper Roof Cladding Wall cladding made of copper has become a very popular solution in modern architecture. Nowadays copper cladding is very popular due to its curb appeal that it will give to your building and you will not get …

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Home-Improvement kit-homes

Kit Homes– 6 Advantages of Structural Steel Frame Building and Fabrication

The conventional notion of a house doesn’t normally involve a lot of steel. However, the use of steel nowadays isn’t just only for high-rise buildings, enormous agriculture infrastructures, and garages. Steel, in general, isn’t just a versatile building material. It …

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architect Home-Improvement

Find Out the 6 Things You Wish Someone Told You Before Hiring an Architect

Getting the proper architect for your home from the very beginning is critical to the continuous and smooth running self-build project. But before you do hire an architect, it’s advisable that you do plenty of research before you start. Employing …

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Home-Exterior sliding-patio-doors

8 Benefits of Sliding Patio Doors

Bringing in a bit of the outdoors is always a good idea if you’re looking to enhance the ambiance of your home. You can make this possible by replacing your regular patio door with a sliding one. Manufacturers of sliding …

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Home-Improvement moving-company moving-house

What to Consider When Choosing a Moving Company

Regardless of where you’re living right now or where you’re planning to move, there is probably a handful of moving companies operating within these areas. You might even find one within your neighborhood. And while hiring the first moving company …

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