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Budget Ideas for Home Improvement

Budget Ideas for Home Improvement

Do you dream of improving your home, but are stopped short because of not having enough budget to really make a difference? We have compiled a list of things to improve your home to be better than it ever has been on a budget.
Budget Ideas for Home Improvement
With the right planning these tips will help transform your home within your budget.

#1. Build a deck

Whatever the time of the year, a deck is a great space to relax and entertain so if you don’t have one then it’s worth building one.
Decks can be made out of many different materials but composite decking is particularly cost effective because of its long-lasting effects that require little ongoing maintenance.
While choosing location and size are of upmost importance for long term gain, the instant advantage is being able to entertain guests with plenty of room.
Build a Deck

#2. New windows

Having the right size and location of windows can determine how ambient a home is, especially if there is a nice view to gaze upon.

#3. Flexible rooms

Keeping rooms fluid allows for flexibility in space, so try not to overdo customisation so you can covert a room into a different zone if need be.

#4. Paint

Paint can make a dramatic change to the look of your home. Choosing the right colour is important but there are professionals that can assist you if this is not your area of expertise.
Standard or neutral colours can be a great place to start in helping enhance your home. Once you have the right colour, hiring the skills of a professional painter is the best option for the right look.

#5. The attic

While not all homes have an attic, if you do renovate this dusty old space for storage or an office. Small structural changes such as additional windows or hardwood flows will add value to this area and long term gain should you decide to sell.

#6. Bathroom

Bathrooms look their best when they have shine and have space for the while family. Adding his or her sinks reduce space issues and natural light can be added through the simple addition of skylights to filter in the beautiful Melbourne sun.

#7. Dress up the old lounge

Giving your lounge a facelift is as simple as putting a slip cover over it and adding a few pillows. This makes it look brand new without the cost.

#8. Adding another story

Adding a second floor to a home can create additional space and balance to your home. Alternatively, if you already have unattended spaces perhaps build a reading or games room that will add appeal and functionality.

#9. Kitchen

There are creative ways to change your kitchen without spending a lot of money, for example changing the colour of the paint, replacing cabinet handles, or changing the wall paper.
Kitchen Design

#10. New roof

A roof is something that can easily be overlooked but is important to maintain for street appeal. Replacing the roof will add a pop of colour and change the character of the house.
A new roof will show a potential buyer that the house is well cared for and make it look less aged.

#11. Small bathroom changes

Sometimes replacing some of the larger items such as an old toilet or dated sink will add more appeal to your bathroom. Simple changes to light fixtures and accessories are also good for adding ambience to the room without costing too much money.

#12. Family room

Open plan has been popular for some time and doesn’t seem to be changing any time soon. If it is possible to open up your family room, it will create a bright spot in your home.


Small changes that make a big impact to your home are quite satisfying. These changes not only add value to the house but turn rooms into more livable spaces. Starting on a minor update can be the start of making a big difference.


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